A Scientific Research Network (WOG) 2015-2024 of the Research Foundation Flanders
RETHINKIN_ steers the scientific redefinition of family law in the Low Countries and aims at taking up an international leading role from there.
Redefining family law is necessary due to societal evolutions that have undermined the fundaments of traditional family law. RETHINKIN_ aims at pioneering in legal research in the Low Countries by redefining family law in a constant dialogue with other scientific disciplines (intra- and interdisciplinary research) and with civil society (transdisciplinary).
Three research questions underlie the activities of RETHINKIN_:
- Which is the competence of the State, both in substantive and procedural law, to regulate the family as actor besides the market and social security?
- What should be the content of State intervention, from the perspectives of citizenship, police power and the parens patriae-doctrine?
- How can law and policy be better tuned to social practices and perceptions?
RETHINKIN_ currently joins the entire Flemish academic research into family law with the Dutch Alliantie Familie & Recht (Alliance Family and Law – ACFL, NIG en UCERF) as “Low Countries”.
RETHINKIN_ will first draw a Roadmap for Kinship & Family Studies in the Low Countries and develop its further scientific activities from there, towards applications under the EU Framework Programmes for Scientific Research and Innovation. A continuous dialogue with an international multi- and transdisciplinary panel will allow opening the current research landscape so as to cultivate new areas in alliance with other disciplines.