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2018 Conference
1st – 3rd November 2018
Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany
Entitled: 6th CEFL Conference on Plurality and Diversity of Family Relations in Europe
The CEFL’s Organising Committee is pleased to announce the 6th CEFL Conference entitled Plurality and Diversity of Family Relations in Europe to take place in Hamburg at Bucerius Law School from Thursday 1st to Saturday 3rd November 2018.
CEFL experts and other legal scholars will deliver presentations on the following subjects: CEFL’s Draft Principles of European Family Law Regarding de facto Unions, Family Law and Family Sociology, Family Migration and Private International Law, Revision of the Brussels IIbis Regulation, and Women’s Fundamental Rights. In addition there is a call for young researchers to submit abstract for workshops on the following subjects: the developing concept of parentage, the role of the child in family proceedings, and extra-judicial divorces.